WBFS Manager 2.2 released, 04-11-2009.
Wii Backup File System Manger 2.2 (WBFS Manager 2.2)
Written by AlexDP
This is a minor update to WBFS Manager, with the following fixes and changes.
-Kept error messages from appearing when adding multiple files. If an error occurs, the entry will be marked with a red error symbol in the Games to Add list and a tooltip with the error message will appear if you hover the mouse over the icon.
-Added multilingual support (currently only French), contact me if you'd like to add support for your language.
-Added Hombrew Channel creation (not completely tested).
-Added Cover support. Hover mouse over an entry to see the cover.
-Now defaults the selected drive in the drive combo box to the last used drive.
-Item counts for both lists.
-Added Check for Updates to Help menu. Currently only links to WBFS Manager blog which will list updates. Plan to implement proper updater later to help everyone keep up to date.
Cover file instructions:
Copy covers into the Program Files\WBFS\WBFS Manager 2.2\Covers directory to show them in WBFS Manager
Set your own cover directory from the Edit Menu in WBFS Manager (Edit->Set Covers Directory...).
Covers can be disabled by unchecking the Show Covers option (Edit->Show Covers).
Covers can be in subdirectories.
If you use set your own cover directory, that directory will be checked first, then this directory.
Cover files must be named as follows: DISCID.png where DISCID is the 6 letter disc ID for a given game. For example, Wii Sports cover would be: RSPE01.png
Multilingual support details:
WBFS Manager will automatically use the language of your operating system if it is one of the supported languages. If you'd like to manually change the language you can do so from the Edit->Language menu.
Contact me at wbfsmanager { at } gmail.com if you'd like to add support for your language to WBFS Manager.
Note: There is no shared code with the other wbfs_win GUI apps that have been released.
The wbfs_win.exe from the wbfs_win_delta release is also no longer being used by this application. It now uses a cleaner, less hacky way of using the libwbfs source code for direct manipulation.
Note 2: Although I've tested this a good deal it's only the first release and it may have some bugs. If you notice any let me know. For the most part everything should be ok as the actual work with the ISOs and WBFS drive are done in libwbfs. Of course, pulling your USB cable out while copying files isn't going to help.
-.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (the installer will prompt you to automatically download and install it if you don't already have it.
Supported Operating Systems:
-Windows Vista (tested thoroughly. May need to "Run as Administrator" depending on user's settings and UAC settings).
-Windows 7 (tested and working. May need to "Run as Administrator" depending on user's settings and UAC settings).
-Windows XP (tested by a few other users, should work fine.)
What it does:
This application basically provides a GUI for the command line-based wbfs-win, used for accessing legal Wii Backups stored on disk drives that have been formatted to the WBFS file system.
It provides all the basic functionality that comes with wbfs-win, including formatting to wbfs, adding backups, getting a listing of backups already on the drive, extracting ISOs from the WBFS drive, etc.
-Listing of games with titles, sizes and codes.
-Drag-and-drop support for adding multiple files at once to the WBFS drive.
-Easy to use interface which also reports available, total and used disk space at a glance.
-Batch processing of multiple ISOs.
-Rename discs on the WBFS drive.
-Install using setup.
-Plug in the hard drive or USB stick.
-Run the application.
-Choose the correct drive letter.
-Click Load. (If you haven't already formatted the disk to WBFS, you can do that by clicking Format).
-You should now see any backups on the drive on the left hand side.
-You can drag and drop ISO files from Windows Explorer onto the right hand side or you can click the browse button.
-Click the Add to Drive button to copy them over to the WBFS drive.
Completed Future Plans:
-Using libwbfs directly to achieve greater flexiblity.
-Use a separate worker thread to improve responsiveness when doing IO operations.
Remaining Future Plans:
-ISO library
-Additional info from ISO (Game image shown in Disc Channel,...)
-UnRar functionality to automatically UnRar files and add the iso to the WBFS drive.
DISCLAIMER (Borrowed from Waninkoko, hopefully he won't mind :) )
Thanks to Kwiirk for the wbfs tool, Sorg for the rename disc functionality, Waninkoko for a good deal of things and Team Twiizers.
Hopefully I've given everyone thier due credit. If you feel you deserve credit for a portion of the code used in this application please let me know.