WBFS Manager

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Update: Fixed a few bugs and added missing translations

  • Added additional checks for temp folder, to avoid crashes that were occurring when the program was closing. (All those who had issues with the program crashing when exiting should download this update).
  • Added remaining Chinese (Traditional) translations.
  • Automatically generates a default filename for extracting single ISO files.
  • Fixed a minor bug with the installer showing 64-bit instead of 32-bit.

Download the WBFS Manager 3.0.1 update here: http://wbfsmanager.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=26808


  1. thx for this, my wbfs manager show me covers but dont download covers in folder i selected

  2. Can I select a proxy? I am stay behind a socket proxy and the application can't load the covers.
    See you soon.

  3. i have format with wbfs manager (memup 500 go kiosk) and i have error in usb loader 1.5. ( do you want to format press A to format or B to reset)

  4. My PC cannot find HDD. I have changed it to WBFS with a USB loader and I can play games on my Wii with the HDD. But when i try to connect it to PC this error allways popps up:
    Error occurred while loading drive. Make sure the drive is not in use or open and that it has been formatted to wbfs format

  5. Is there any way to specify what size cover images the program downloads?

  6. I have a Lacie 160GB with working WBFS games. Altough, as soon as i start the USB Loader the Wii turns off my external HD and i get the error that it cant find an HD.

    How can i fix this please?

  7. Only one game is working at a time, any others added are copied in under 3 minutes and don't load. Whats happening?

  8. Hi,
    I'm using WBFS manager 3.0.1, what i don't understand is, why is the program counting from 0 to 2 when i select 3 games to put on the disk.
    Is'nt it more logical to count from 1 til the number of games selected?
    So you get 1 of 3 / 2 of 3 and 3 of 3

  9. will you support cISO formats in the future ?

  10. Hi' this software is perfect.

    could you add a defrag option o fix the free space

  11. thx Work geat

    Could do you add a check CRC of isos
    od add a way to test the integrity of isos loaded

  12. Hey,
    Great work!
    Please add the "delete after copied" option, if it makes no problems.

  13. Good work, program works good except for the drive to drive feature.
    I have copied a lot of games back and forth with different hard drives extracting them to an ISO and then back again to another drive and all games work perfect but if i copy the games with the drive to drive option then only some of the games work, example for your reference, Carnival games, Moto GP and Blob will not work along with a lot of others.
    Just takes a little longer, no big deal, again good work.

  14. For some reason none of the buttons are working (add to drive, create channel(s) etc) for me. I click them and nothing happens. Menus are working though. Right clicked, run as administrator on Windows 7 x64.

  15. hi new t the wii program works great but not got all covers tried downloading them my self and droping but threre not in png format can some one help nice program works great so far cheer :)

  16. hallo
    dies ist ein super programm !!!!!!!

    ps hilfe müßte noch in deutsch sein

  17. Is there away to generate list from games on hdd?

  18. Please add a defrag function to this software. With it it'll be perfect!!!

  19. Hello to everybody happy New Year 2010!

    I have a hard dik 1.5 tera I wanted to put more than 500 games above (I tried with ubs gx loader french 674, wbfs manager and wbi (ncWBFSTool)) but nobody manages to put me one 501éme games (and more) on the disk while that still arranges 416 mega of free (just 937 mega to use) .
    they say all OK during the transfer of 501,502, (transfer not made in spite of a message almost Immediate of good transfer) but nothing he stays in 500 games...

    Somebody in a solution?

    Thank you !

  20. It seems the covers are not downloading anymore, is the server down? Best regards.

  21. Great Program many thanks problem with the WBFS Manager Covers the folder is full of PNG empty images

  22. I got the HD in a place without a computer. It would be great if I could upload the ISOs on a USB flash drive and transfer the files between the two storages using the Wii. An USB to USB transfer using the Wii.

  23. I have run WBFS yesterday and no problem, Today select G drive does not read. the buttons do not work ie-browse not clicking. VisatHome. worked yesterday..not today???? helP!!!!!!!!!!

  24. New request: Export a list of all the ISOs in the unit to a file (txt, excel/calc, ...) including the file size, pal/ntsc, ....

    ¡¡¡Great aplication!!!

  25. Can you confirm that there is a maximum games ceiling of 500 games?

    If the answer is in the affirmative, can... you advise if there are plans to increase this?

    Fantastic product, many many thanks...

  26. I am having trouble copying more than 1 game at a time. everything freezes if I try to clone or drive to drive. If I do 1 at a time it works fine but takes 20 minutes each. Any suggestions?

  27. It seems there is a limit of 500 titles indeed, because I had a 1TB WD Essential with 494 games on it, because I hadn't enough space to add my backup anymore. I went to the store bourght a Hitachi 2TB and build it in the HDD case of the WD. The disk is formated WBFS and get recognized by the Wii and USB Loader 5.2 and the WBFS Manager 3.1, when you copy a game when there are already 500 titles on the disk it tells that it's copied without errors, but it's not listed and the wii also doesn't show it.

    Perhaps a limitions of 500 titles is set can be removed in the software. Because now I have a little less than 1TB waiting to be filled up with the rest of my backups.


  28. I noticed the same thing: ceiling at 500 games, even though WBFSm 3.0 tells me the transfers after #500 were succesful. (all transfers are labeled OK, but the go so fast that they are more similar to being skipped than they are to being copied.)

    Thankfully I'm using a König S-ata hdd dock, swapping 1TB disks on my Wii :-)

  29. emm developers,

    i found out that if i pressed 'Load' then 'Format', the time when i pressed 'Load', WBFS manager had destroyed the format hierarchy of my harddrive.
    i tried it several times and it happened to be the same.

    and had to reformat it to FAT using my mac, to restore its appropriate hierarchy because it said 'it couldnt be done' when i tried to format it on my windows PC.
    and then had to press 'Format' before 'Load'

    is that a bug?
    or is it just happening to me?

    but still its a wonderful app, thanks developers. :)

  30. Please, developpe a new version that will allow to put more than 500 games and support 2TB partition as ncWBFSTool did right now :)

  31. Hey guys!

    I've found something about 2TB limit through WBFS Manager 3.0

    WBFS Manager 3.0 cannot format a large partition as 2TB. All you have to do is use ncWBFSTool to format your external 2TB hard drive.

    After is done, you can user WBFS Manager 3.0 to copy your copy. If you try to format your 2TB external hard drive with WBFS Manager 3.0, all of your games will be corrupted.

  32. Hola! Por Quisiera sable Que No Se Me Ven Las caratulas.Gracias

  33. The software runs perfectly! I would like it was in my language, if you want i could help in the translation.

  34. i have wbfs 3.0.1 and 2.5 have win 7 been working fine but now it wont load games i have 169 games 300 gigs or so it says it installs but it then pops up message about hard drive in use or not formatted games still load from usb loader and play i dont get what hell going on could it have any thing to do with framework.net

  35. It will be nice to a have feature that will allow to delete the file after successful transfer

  36. Note about Dutch translation

    When there´s an ISO reading error, it says ``Er is een fout gebeurd`` , should be ``Er is een fout opgetreden``.


  38. craigslistuser12345678910@gmail.comOctober 20, 2012 at 12:46 PM

    does formatting work, with a Virtual drive?
